Team Members
Role: Squadleader
Primary: ICS M4 Carbine - AGX
grenade launcher
Secondary: ICS M4 CQB
Special skill: telling people what
to do and taking
credit for it :-)

Role: 2IC / Rifleman /
Support gunner
Primary: Classic Army M249 MkII
Secondary: G&G RK-104
Special skill: AEG mechanics: you
break it, we fix it :-)

Role: RTO / Rifleman
Primary: ICS M4 Carbine
Secondary: M3 shotgun
Special skill: doin' crazy shit and
surviving it :-)

Role: Rifleman / Grenadier
Primary: ICS M4 - M203
Special skill: 40MikeMike's and
things that blow up

Role: Support gunner / Rifleman
Primary: G&P M249 MkII RAS
Secondary: Classic Army M4
Carbine RIS
Special skill: unleashing hell
upon the enemy

Role: Designated Marksman /
Primary: ICS M4 SPR
Secondary: ICS M4 CASV
Special skill: one shot, one kill

Role: Rifleman
Primary: 'Frankenstein' M4
Secondary: moustache of
badassery, +1 on
charisma rolls :-)
Special skill: just being Vinni
