Shoot & scoot 2016
17th april 2016, 25th Mountaineers organised its first event at airsoftterrain 'The Shelter' (Bavegem-Belgium). It wasn't a regular...

25th Mountaineers is a coalition of several Belgian airsoft teams that wish to represent Belgium on the international airsoft and MilSim...

Berget 14
DART will be present at Berget 14 (Sweden) as a part of 25th Mountaineers. We will play on the side of UPIR Security Inc. More info on...

Berget 13
DART would like to thank its brothers (and sister) in arms of Cerberus Recon and Sabotage, especially Valkyries, Red Scorpions, Aircav...

Airsoft United - 6mm fun
Airsoft United: de nieuwe website met info over komende events, organisaties, teams, airsoftshops,... Airsofters, verenigt U!!! ...

Happy New Year
We wish all of you a happy and healthy 2015, may your ambushes be lethal and your lapdances many! Big up to our brothers in arms from...

Berget 13
DART will be present @ Berget 13. We joined the IKAROS side and will be part of Cerberus Recon & Sabotage.

Berget 12
DART was present at Berget 12 'Lords of War' (25th 'till 28th of june 2014) in Sweden. We were part of the Bloodravens, defending the...
Teamskirm 11/05/2014
DART was aanwezig op de privé-skirm 'Teamskirm', georganiseerd door Verage. Dit is de teamskirm door de GoPro van Blarock :-)...
Airsoft For All - verhuurbeleid
Voortaan stelt Airsoft For All zijn beleid t.o.v. het verhuren aan team/spelers bij, dit weliswaar in beperkte mate. Ongeveer om de 6...